Maximize Your Full Executive Potential

“What If You Could Establish Yourself as a Sought-After Communicator... Fast-Track Your Career Advancement... and Lead at a Higher Level to

Strengthen Your Professional Standing?”

We can help you get there! We've perfected this system and already transformed the lives and careers of thousands of professionals like you.

Will You Be Next?

Maximize Your Full Executive Potential

“What If You Could Establish Yourself as a Sought-After Communicator... Fast-Track Your Career Advancement... and Lead at a Higher Level to Strengthen Your Professional Standing?”

We can help you get there! We've perfected this system and already transformed the lives and careers of thousands of professionals like you.

Will You Be Next?

Building an Inspiring,

Impactful, and Illimitable

Career is Difficult… But You

Don’t Have To Do It Alone.

If you’re like most professionals who come to Dr. Grace for coaching and mentoring…

You're no longer satisfied with just working harder and smarter, and you know that a new approach is needed to unlock your full potential

You're driven to take your career to new heights but you’re struggling to create or attract the opportunities that you know will get you there.

You recognize that you need more than just technical skills to succeed – you need a strategic plan, a supportive network, and the right systems in place to propel your career forward.

Building an Inspiring, Impactful, and Illimitable Career is Difficult… But You Don’t Have To Do It Alone.

If you’re like most professionals who come to Dr. Grace Lee for coaching and mentoring…

You're no longer satisfied with just working harder and smarter, and you know that a new approach is needed to unlock your full potential.

You're driven to take your career to new heights but you’re struggling to create or attract the opportunities that you know will get you there.

You recognize that you need more than just technical skills to succeed – you need a strategic plan, a supportive network, and the right systems in place to propel your career forward.


  • If you’ve already experienced success by working harder, smarter, and taking calculated risks, but now you see that this may not be the best path to move you to your next level

  • If you’re always chasing the next professional goal instead of having the strategies that position yourself well in front of key stakeholders

  • If you feel overwhelmed with all the tactical things you have to do for your team, or pigeonholed at the technical level, but your most desired goal is to step up to higher levels of leadership

  • If you realize that higher-level communication skills are a missing piece to achieving further career growth while at the same time you can’t see your own blind spots

You’re not alone…

Fortunately, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to reach your executive goals!


  • If you’ve already experienced success by working harder, smarter, and taking calculated risks, but now you see that this may not be the best path to move you to your next level

  • If you’re always chasing the next professional goal instead of having the strategies that position yourself well in front of key stakeholders

  • If you feel overwhelmed with all the tactical things you have to do for your team, or pigeonholed at the technical level, but your most desired goal is to step up to higher levels of leadership

  • If you realize that higher-level communication skills are a missing piece to achieving further career growth while at the same time you can’t see your own blind spots

You’re not alone…

Fortunately, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to reach your executive goals!

Introducing Mastery Insights Mentorship™

Mastery Insights Mentorship™ is a premier Applied Coaching and Expert Mentorship program tailored for high-level executives and savvy professionals. Led by Dr. Grace Lee and her elite coaching team, our mentorship is dedicated to unlocking your full executive potential.

Here's how we help you achieve sustainable success:

  • Command Attention with a Powerful Executive Presence: Develop a commanding presence that naturally attracts respect and attention in any setting.

  • Master the Art of Compelling Communication: Hone your ability to communicate with clarity and impact, ensuring your messages resonate and inspire.

  • Elevate Your Leadership Skills to Inspire and Influence: Transform your leadership approach to motivate and guide your team effectively.

  • Exude Unshakeable Confidence in Any Situation: Build unwavering self-confidence that empowers you to tackle challenges head-on.

  • Transform Your Team into a High-Performing Powerhouse: Cultivate a team dynamic that drives exceptional performance and results.

  • Persuade Stakeholders and Gain Unwavering Support: Master the skills needed to influence and secure the backing of key stakeholders.

  • Cultivate Magnetic Charisma that Draws Others to You: Develop a charismatic presence that naturally attracts and engages others.

  • Unlock Your Full Potential as a Visionary Leader: Realize your ultimate potential and lead with a visionary mindset that sets you apart.

This is the ONLY place to get Dr. Grace’s help to strategize, systemize, and sustain executive career growth that gives you the inspiration and impact you want to have while avoiding the little-known mistakes that sabotage professional development.


  • You’re a C-level executive, VP, director or established manager and want to elevate your leadership and impact while growing your career without the pain and pitfalls of doing it on your own

  • You have a track record of achieving success with a unmistakable work ethic and KNOW you can add more value to a company’s bottom line with the right guidance

  • You want to apply your knowledge and expertise in your industry so you can scale your impact and receive a fair compensation for the higher value you can bring 

  • You want to attract – and have greater influence in – opportunities to lead teams, oversee higher level responsibilities, and contribute to more strategic business decisions as an executive

  • You want to become a known expert in your industry and have the confidence to represent your company and teams through speaking activities


Compress Decades Into Weeks With These Exclusive Benefits

Unlike most college courses, certification programs, and online learning you’ve invested in for yourself.

Mastery Insights Mentorship™ bridges the gap between information and results.

What we call the “Learning and Doing Gap”.

To bridge this gap, three essential elements are required to master any new skill:

1. Coaching in 3D

2. Community

3. Curriculum


Compress Decades Into Weeks with These Exclusive Benefits

Unlike most college courses, certification programs, and online learning you’ve invested in for yourself…

Mastery Insights Mentorship™ bridges the gap between information and results.

What we call the "Learning and Doing Gap".

To bridge this gap, three essential elements are required to master any new skill:

1. Coaching in 3D

2. Community

3. Curriculum


You see, most coaching programs out there only know how to provide coaching , where they ask open ended questions to enable self-discovery.

This singular approach is limiting, because individuals often need more tailored guidance

With Coaching in 3D, we act as your career growth partner by adopting three roles:  coach, mentor, and consultant.

As a Coach: We help you overcome internal limitations, strengthen your mind, and empower you to contribute at your highest potential. Our goal is to help you become independent in sustaining your personal growth long-term. 

As a Mentor: We share specialized knowledge through principles and frameworks that refine your speaking, leadership, and intellectual acuity. 

As a Consultant: We provide expert advice to elevate your ability to consistently deliver at the height of your performance with innovative solutions. 

At the intersection of these 3 roles, we tailor our approach to your individual needs and the demands of your situation, offering 360-degree support.

This tailored approach opens up the dialogue to focus on the skills, strategies, and specific steps to help you more holistically.


If you’ve ever bought a training program or course that fell short of your expectations, it’s probably because one or more of these elements were missing.

Which means that you may have learned extensively about critical topics like leadership and public speaking, yet struggled to translate that learning into real-world success.

The truth is, genuine results stem from robust application, not just acquiring knowledge through continuous learning.

Unfortunately, most college courses, certification programs and online training don't give you the opportunity to practice new skills in a supportive environment, where thoughtful and actionable feedback is essential for mastery.

These courses and programs only tell you WHAT to do.

But they fail to guide you through the process of actually DOING it.

At Mastery Insights Mentorship™, we emphasize robust application.

It’s not just about learning. It’s about transforming knowledge into powerful, actionable strategies that drive real results.


If you’ve ever bought a training program or course that fell short of your expectations, it’s probably because one or more of these elements were missing.

Which means that you may have learned extensively about critical topics like leadership and public speaking, yet struggled to translate that learning into real-world success.

The truth is, genuine results stem from robust application, not just acquiring knowledge through continuous learning.

Unfortunately, most college courses, certification programs and online training don't give you the opportunity to practice new skills

in a supportive environment, where thoughtful and actionable feedback is essential for mastery.

These courses and programs only tell you WHAT to do.

But they fail to guide you through the process of actually DOING it.

At Mastery Insights Mentorship™ ,

we emphasize robust application.

It’s not just about learning. It’s about transforming knowledge into powerful, actionable strategies that drive real results.


We help you bridge this “Learning and Doing Gap” in three ways:

Coaching in 3D

We provide Coaching, Mentoring, and Consulting with Dr. Grace and her team of hand-picked 3D coaches.

We focus on actionable steps and real-world application, ensuring you can immediately put new skills into practice while receiving tailored guidance and thoughtful feedback.

Benefit from the wisdom and experience of our mentors who have a proven track record of success in executive leadership.


We invite you into a Community of like-minded professionals, industry leaders, and high-level executives from around the world.

Develop your abilities in a supportive setting where you can confidently experiment and grow without fear of failure.

Engage with other leaders who will support your goals and celebrate your wins as throughout the mentorship and beyond.


We give you access to Dr. Grace’s world-class Curriculum, constantly updated with new material to address timely and relevant issues at every stage of career growth.

Learn to navigate complex professional landscapes and fast-track your career with strategic insights and practical tools.


Weekly Communication and Leadership Training Intensives with Dr. Grace (LIVE on Zoom)

For 8 consecutive weeks, you participate in intensive live classes led by Dr. Grace on Zoom from anywhere in the world. These sessions are designed to enhance your skills, refine your speaking and leadership models, and boost team performance to accelerate your professional growth.

Each intensive class addresses timely and relevant issues at every stage of your career development.

You also gain instant access to a vault containing 3 years' worth of past class recordings, available any time.

Each week for 8 consecutive weeks, you participate in intensive live classes led by Dr. Grace on Zoom (join from anywhere in the world) to increase your skills, fine tune your speaking, leadership model, and team performance to get you to your next level faster and easier.

All intensive classes address timely and topical issues that are relevant to every stage of growth as you step up in your company’s environment.

You also get Instant Access to 3 years worth of past weekly intensive class recordings in the vault for you to access at any time.

Weekly Communication and Leadership Training Intensives with Dr. Grace (LIVE on Zoom)

For 8 consecutive weeks, you participate in intensive live classes led by Dr. Grace on Zoom from anywhere in the world. These sessions are designed to enhance your skills, refine your speaking and leadership models, and boost team performance to accelerate your professional growth.

Each intensive class addresses timely and relevant issues at every stage of your career development.

You also gain instant access to a vault containing 3 years' worth of past class recordings, available any time.

Weekly Office Hours Support Calls with Our Coaching Team (Q&A Support)

Receive personalized support in a 1-on-1 setting with an audience, where our team seamlessly transitions between the roles of coach, mentor, and consultant.

Get your most pressing questions answered just in time, and learn from the experiences of other professionals worldwide as they receive support in different areas such as personal growth, relationship building, team building, execution and personnel challenges.

This is a safe place to receive guidance, celebrate wins, get feedback, and get answers to critical questions.

Get your most pressing questions answered just in time. It’s also a safe place to share ideas, celebrate wins, and get answers to those critical “I gotta know” questions. 

Listen and learn from questions from around the world in a variety of different areas such as personal growth, relationship building, team building, execution and personnel challenges.

Walk away with an arm full of specific, actionable advice to keep growing.

Weekly Office Hours Support Calls with Our Coaching Team (Q&A Support)

Receive personalized support in a 1-on-1 setting with an audience, where our team seamlessly transitions between the roles of coach, mentor, and consultant.

Get your most pressing questions answered just in time, and learn from the experiences of other professionals worldwide as they receive support in different areas such as personal growth, relationship building, team building, execution and personnel challenges.

This is a safe place to receive guidance, celebrate wins, get feedback, and get answers to critical questions.

Quarterly Advisory Calls

Once a quarter, schedule a one-on-one advisory call with one of Dr. Grace's hand-picked executive coaches.

These calls serve as your career support board of advisors.

Use these calls to share progress or seek direct coaching on job interviews, presentations, or key meetings with stakeholders.

Once a quarter, you have the opportunity to schedule an advisory call with one of her hand-picked trained coaches.

These check-ins become part of your Career Support Board

of Advisors.

Please note: you may specially request to meet with Dr. Grace for your advisory call if you prefer. However, as Dr. Grace’s calendar tends to fill quickly, we would require at least a 2-3 weeks lead time to schedule it. 

Here you share your progress implementing the Mastery Insights Mentorship principles, frameworks, strategies and skills to grow your impact and influence. 

You can also use these advisory calls for more direct coaching on job interviews, upcoming presentations, or to get guidance on how to approach key meetings with stakeholders.

Quarterly Advisory Calls

Once a quarter, schedule a one-on-one advisory call with one of Dr. Grace's hand-picked executive coaches.

These calls serve as your career support board of advisors.

Use these calls to share progress or seek direct coaching on job interviews, presentations, or key meetings with stakeholders.

Mentorship on Demand

Imagine having Dr. Grace's best advice, answers, and strategies at your fingertips, any time you need them.

That’s what you’ve got waiting for you inside Mentorship on Demand.

With approximately 100 hours of recorded questions asked by mentees and answered by Dr. Grace, Mentorship on Demand covers everything you need to grow your career with impact.

Almost every conceivable question is answered and instantly accessible.

Imagine having Dr. Grace's best advice, answers, and strategies at your fingertips, any time you need them.

That’s what you’ve got waiting for you inside Mentorship on Demand.

With approximately 100 hours of recorded questions asked by mentees and answered by Dr. Grace, Mentorship on Demand covers everything you need to grow your career with impact.

Almost every conceivable question is answered and instantly accessible.

The Mentorship Community

We invite you to join a secure and confidential environment where you can openly discuss professional challenges and triumphs.

This space fosters personal growth and meaningful connections that can enhance your career.

Benefit from the support and encouragement of fellow mentees, forming lasting relationships that extend beyond the duration of the mentorship.

This collective spirit helps maintain momentum and keeps you motivated to pursue your goals.

The Mentorship Community

We invite you to join a secure and confidential environment where you can openly discuss professional challenges and triumphs.

This space fosters personal growth and meaningful connections that can enhance your career.

Benefit from the support and encouragement of fellow mentees, forming lasting relationships that extend beyond the duration of the mentorship.

This collective spirit helps maintain momentum and keeps you motivated to pursue your goals.


  • If you are just starting in your career, recently graduated from high school or college, or you don't have a career direction yet, this is not for you

  • If you are unsure about why you need mentorship, or which areas you want to develop, then this is not for you

  • If you are uncommitted, not coachable or unwilling to follow a structured, step-by-step approach to skill enhancement, or if you’re on the fence about committing, this is not for you 

  • If you are currently between jobs, desperately interviewing, and looking for a one-off session to get quick tips to land a job, this is not for you

  • If you prefer chasing bookish knowledge, rely on cheap/free online courses, are skeptical about coaching, or cannot make your own decisions about investing your personal growth, this is not for you 


Simple 4 Step Application Process


Click the “Apply Now” button below and complete the membership application form.


After submitting your application, choose a date and time to schedule an interview. One of Dr. Grace’s trusted career advisors will interview you to understand your career situation and goals.


If Dr. Grace and her career advisors determine that you’re a good fit for the group and vice versa, you’ll be invited to join Mastery Insights Mentorship™.




Upon acceptance, you’ll receive instant access to 100 hours of training, along with onboarding instructions, dates for upcoming weekly live classes, and coaching calls. You'll also have a virtual onboarding call to discuss your starting point in the mentorship.

What Our Members Are Saying

Phyllis B.

CEO, Real Estate Investment Group

“This is the best investment that I’ve ever made in myself to pay to come to this class because it has positively affected every area of my life. To be able to find a program that encompasses every area - there are things that this program was dealing with that I didn’t even know I needed help with. I’m a completely different person because of what I’ve learned so far and how it has affected my life.”

Sunny N.

CISO, Global Manufacturer

“I was going for an interview as the Chief Information Security Officer. I had watched some of the interview training videos in your program, internalized them, and then you gave me some good talking points. So I have some good news, I did get that job! I was telling my wife that wouldn't have happened without Dr. Grace's advice. I didn't think that I could get to the C-Level, I had been a VP and a GVP for so many years. I thought VP is the highest level I can achieve.”

Kedrick G.

VP of Sales, Healthcare

“Just this morning, I sat on a two hour planning call to work on some of the strategies the CEO laid before us. So I am literally at the table now, and I believe 100% that I've made it there because of the information and knowledge you shared in the past year. This program has been extremely helpful in my ability to work with stakeholders, helping lead cross-functional teams, and communicate, but more so just being heard and believing and feeling like I'm getting my true point across.”

Kefirah K.

CPO & CTO, Thought Leader in AI

“Guys, please consider to join this program! This course, that's the best investments that I made this year, and I got a return that's beyond my expectation. Within six months, this changed the entire way of how I see my career and how I see myself. I feel this training is efficient is because it didn't only give me the tools, but I feel empowered internally and externally. It's an amazing community, everyone came here with a similar career goal so we have a lot of like-minded people.”

George W.

VP Global System Integrator, SaaS Company

“Previously I felt I was blocked internally in really reaching my potential, but I can tell you today, I don't know what my potential is at this point. It almost feels limitless in where I could go with my career. I've worked with other coaches before and having somebody help me navigate situationally is great, but it doesn't uncover root causes or get down to principles and fundamentals. After your program, now I have a sense that no matter how challenging the situation, I have the tools to negotiate it, and the power to achieve an outcome that I visualize in that situation. ”

Vince N.

Global Network Acquisition, Google

“One of the regrets I have is sitting on the fence for as long as I did. And I really think had I gotten involved sooner, I believe I would've been able to get promoted sooner within my company. I love all the different frameworks that you've given and the teachings you've done on internal confidence. And that's been the biggest help to me in my career. In fact, I think it's played a large role in why I was able to get promoted earlier this year and really show up in a way that my team was able to see that I was operating at a higher level.”

Crane H.

Engineering Manager, Apple

“I started working with Dr. Grace about 4 or 5 months ago. Great news, I just got promoted to the next level, which I cannot believe it happened so soon. I was stuck [in my previous position] for years. There was a period of time I thought, I may not be a fit for this culture, for this company. Being recognized and promoted to this level so soon gives me a lot of inspiration, as [my higher ups] see I have a bright future and want to support me. And it's not like I need to be a different person. I can just be myself, but I now have a different way of processing information and can be more realistic and true to myself.”

Azzam J.

Director, Corp Systems

“I'm training my team and mentoring them the way you are mentoring me. And now we're working in way more harmony than before. So that was a huge achievement with your help. Today, I manage meetings in a different way following your advice. Everybody in my organization, I'm talking about a hundred plus people, are thriving. As if the whole team was aligned now in a way that was never done before.”

Carlos B.

Business Analyst, Natural Gas Industry

“This class is more about transformation. You transform from being someone who is insecure to being someone who is confident. And for me, who is a professional and an immigrant in the US, that makes my dream come true. Through your program I was able to realize that. Once I enrolled in this program I can see the difference. It’s also how I can articulate and convey to people what I’m trying to do. Your program really opened the door for me to that success.”

Zohar G.

VP Customer Success, Obsidian Security

“The program was transformational. I had so many aha moments that changed every aspect of my life. I received a job offer for the exact job I wanted - I would not have gotten there without this class. I have participated in so many self-help programs and read so many self-help books. Nothing comes close to this. It’s worth it 100%.”

Elton D.

Sourcing Director, Cummins Inc.

“My company recommended me to do a leadership acceleration training with McKinsey. The company is thinking that I have potential to get to the C suite. That was pretty significant. I see more of my ideas of my projects being accepted and implemented. Being able to be heard has been a major change over this program. Over the program I learned a lot of things that allowed me to be clear, fluent, and deliver my message even if English is not my first language. And to speak using principles. That made a big difference.”

Benoit L.

Principal Product Leader, AI/ML

“If I had been exposed to this material 15 years ago, my career would've been totally different, and I would be a VP already! As a program, from my expectation, I would have said this was a business or management course. And I don't say that I didn't achieve such result, but when you look at the sense of the program, it works on your whole personality, and that is one of the elements that is most profound because it resets the way you think.”

Jay Z.

AI Innovator and Educator

“In the past 30 years I have been a very good technician, building solutions for big enterprises. It worked fine for many years, but then I reached certain positions, like Chief Statistician, VP, and Lead of technical group, and I felt that there is a glass ceiling to advance to the next level. Then I found you Dr. Grace, and I applied the principles, strategies and tactics I learned from you, and I have already achieved a lot of success in a few short months.”

Bodh P.

Technical Director, MEP Services

“The first milestone was the way I was communicating in my job interview was different. For the first time in my life somebody told me that these are the requirements. I prepared for the interview, and they offered me a very good package, very good money, everything is quite nice. I always used to think that I cannot be a technical director because my accent is different. But you gave me the confidence in one of your sessions that language is not important. It's strategies of communication that's important.”

Mei C.

Senior Associate Lab Manager

at a biotech company

“This program has helped me to be able to see what is possible beyond what I’ve achieved so far. It helped me to own it and take action on how to move forward with a sense of community with people who are in a similar situation. I can sense that Dr. Grace truly loves the people she serves.”

Edna A.

Accounting Supervisor

“This program has changed the world for me. It’s been the best investment I’ve ever made because it changed the way I see life in general. My awareness has changed ever since. I see the impact on me, and I see the progress I’m making every day. My boss even wanted me to train other managers and became impressed by my presentation. I am forever grateful. What you get from this class is a combination of how you present, communicate well, and there’s a lot more into it.”

Colonel Corey G.

United States Army

“As an officer In the United States armed services, it is crucial that you communicate effectively, both written and spoken. I wanted to hone my skills in communications, extratemporaneous speaking, and interpersonal skills. Dr. Lee assisted me in all of those areas. Dr. Lee is second to none, and I am a better communicator, leader, and person after having met her.”

Hannah L.

Accounting Manager and

Assistant Controller

“I joined because I wanted to improve my communications. But what I got out of it was much more. If you’re on the fence about your career and you’re not sure what next steps to take, or if you’re unsure if you want to continue to be where you are, I would encourage you to take this course and meet with Dr. Grace.”

Darryl T.

Entrepreneur in the financial industry

“It really is a life changing experience. It’s given me the ability to see things in a different light. The principles I’ve learned are ones that I use in my business and how I deal with people. It gives me a clear path to where I’m headed as well. The opportunities are there, and when I open my eyes the opportunities come to me. I never would have had that awakening if I didn’t come into this program."

Peninnah M.

Senior Corporate Accountant

“Dr. Lee has been amazing. I am getting way more than I expected. I feel more confident, I feel I don’t need to prepare as much. I can’t thank her enough.

Carlton B.

Process Improvement,

Bank of America

“This has been an opportunity for me to get outside of myself. Because I am a technical thinker, I normally try to process things in my mind. Through your course I now have the ability to understand exactly why I think the way that I think . I now have steps to work through my challenges. I am more aware to be able to communicate how I’m challenged in a certain area and I’m open to receiving that feedback on how I can get better with no judgment. This is more than just a communication class. I have done books and tapes, and nothing has gotten me over the hump like this.”

Cheoukee L.

Applications Development Manager,

Delta Air Lines

“My presentation went really well. My manager was engaged, and a few people told me it was really and that I made it really interactive. I’m more comfortable now with how to tell a story. Using what you taught me as a framework is helping me with every opportunity. I’m more confident now, and being true to myself. This is more than just a communication class. This class is helping me to set my mindset and provide a tool kit for me to be able to improve my communications so that my audience can get more out of me. I can structure my thought process and provide more valuable information. Before I used to hate talking in front of people, and now I’m looking forward to it.”

Al E.

Industry Sales Executive, Oracle

“Where I had discomfort before, I feel really confident and bulletproof now. Through the program, I developed a roadmap or blueprint for success, and a long-term mindset. As a result, I got a new and expanded sales territory that’s 2-3 times bigger than what I had before. There’s also a passion behind what I’m doing every day, which is a total difference. And there’s a ripple effect in my family where we’ve really focused on our financial situation and growth…I feel a lot more confidence that my daughter can choose the college of her choice and we’ll be able to afford it financially.”

Adelasia D.

Gender Technical Advisor,

UNDP Namibia

“The way Dr. Grace identified my needs was astonishing. She left me astounded, and I knew she was the person for me. My goal was to become a better professional. It was awakening because I really dived deep into my personal characteristics. It was such a positive experience for me. My recommendation is to be open to career coaching and to let Dr. Grace surprise you. You’re not only gaining an advancement in your career, but you’re also gaining personal growth.”

Larissa Z.

VP, Regional Training Officer,

Morgan Stanley

“The program was a game-changer for me. Going through this process was eye-opening and I realized that there were mental things I needed to shift. Which ultimately led to an increase in energy and focus, and figuring out what I wanted to do, and building confidence at the same time. I got so much value out of it more than what I actually paid for. Dr. Grace will drill down into areas that you need to focus on and she’s a true champion for you."

DeShannon H.

Business Owner

“Being in this coaching program has transformed me in a personal way… my vision has changed. The way I respond has changed. It has given me the space to believe in myself. Since being in this program, I understand myself and what matters to me. I can speak with clarity and it helped me with my communication. It has empowered me to understand people. It has been phenomenal. Mind blowing. Every aspect of my life you have been able to touch it.”

Sharon M.

Regional Operations, Sodexo

“When I came into the program, my intention in what I was seeking was completely different from what was delivered. But what was delivered was exactly what I needed. It helped me to become an authentic communicator. I came out feeling very crystal clear of what I want to do and where I want to go. Life-changing. Thought-provoking. Unlike any other coaching. Dr. Lee taught me how to connect my heart into my communication. It really teaches how to think at a higher level and strategically. If you join the program, your life will be very different if you take in the lessons. Whatever dollar amount you invest into this course, I guarantee you’re going to get way more.”

Shane G.

Lead Designer for

travel and sporting goods

“There were so many changes that I could implement immediately to see that growth and development. More than just speaking, there’s a whole career mindset that Dr. Grace has packaged for us, and it has helped me to gain confidence. Her class has helped me to recognize how to approach new opportunities.”

If you’re tired of working harder and smarter without seeing the results you deserve, and you're ready to regain your competitive edge and unlock your full executive potential...

Click the button below and apply now.

The application process is quick and straightforward, taking only a few minutes. Your responses will help us better understand your unique needs, ensuring we provide maximum value during our initial conversation.

If you’re tired of working harder and smarter without seeing the results you deserve, and you're ready to regain your competitive edge and unlock your full executive potential...

Click the button below and apply now.

The application process is quick and straightforward, taking only a few minutes. Your responses will help us better understand your unique needs, ensuring we provide maximum value during our initial conversation.


Why do I need coaching?  Couldn’t I watch YouTube and do this on my own?

Great question. But let me ask you this, what brought you to this page in the first place?

My guess is you have an opportunity to increase your influence, your career confidence, even your salary, and make a bigger splash in the world… but there’s a gap in your ability to do just that.

Even if we provide you with the best curriculum in the world, you still need help. And that’s what a coach will do for you.

Chances are, you’ve tried to do things on your own in the past. For example, you’ve read as many self-improvement or leadership books as you could, aggressively watched hundreds of videos on YouTube over the years, and/or consumed too-many-to-count online courses on Udemy.

Not to mention, you’ve taken advantage of any training opportunity your company provides.

Maybe they worked. Maybe they didn't. But either way, the only truly proven way to get a result from a mentorship like this is to work with someone while submitting to the coach.

And that’s why having a coach is so important.

When does the program start?

Once you’re accepted into the program after your interview, you will receive immediate access to the members portal.

Inside the portal you'll find an onboarding section with instructions, all past live class recordings, office hours support calls, special trainings, and all the proven systems and frameworks Dr. Grace has taught globally.

You'll also see dates to upcoming live classes and office hours support calls so you can plan your schedule and participate in these performance improving experiences.

What’s the time commitment?

The purpose of Mastery Insights Mentorship is to grow your professional and personal skills, your team, and your leadership beyond anything you've experienced in the past.

So the old maxim "you only get out what you put in" definitely applies here.

With that said, we appreciate that time zone differences may make it difficult to attend all the live classes and coaching calls. That’s why everything is recorded and you are given instant access to the recordings.  Many of our mentees around the world have been transformed after going through the recordings–so there’s no excuses. 

Plus, you get 12-months access to everything you need in the mentorship, so really there’s no excuses.

Beyond that, please note Dr. Grace and her team do not accept members she does not believe she can assist to achieve massive growth and results.  Mindset and the power of community is a critical psychological advantage that works for you when you participate.

For this to work you must commit to learning for mastery for at least the next 12 months. Although your commitment is 12 months, most clients see massive results before the end of the period, and some clients even have major transformations within the first weeks. Failure to make this commitment will reduce the quality of your outcome and will disqualify you from entry into the group.

When are the weekly live classes and support calls?

Live classes are weekly for 8 consecutive weeks. We refer to these consecutive classes as one 8-week season. Upon completion of one 8-week season, you will continue to be invited to attend every following season throughout the duration of your 12-month access to the program.

The same access applies to the weekly office hours support calls.

Specific times and dates will be posted in your members area in all time zones.

Do you accept funding from my company if my employer is sponsoring my professional development?  

While most of our clients invested in the mentorship themselves, some get reimbursement from their company if it is available for them.

Each company has their own process to request access to this professional development budget. 

Please make sure to find out from your company the budget amount, the process to access the budget, and what documentation they may need prior to booking this Career Discovery Call with us.

That way, our career advisors will be able to help you better.

Do I get personal access to Dr. Grace?

Yes. Your access to Dr. Grace begins after your orientation and onboarding with the coaching team, and continues through the program with your Community access.

During your Community access, you will interact with Dr. Grace on the live weekly classes and support calls with the group of mentees. Here you get to ask questions and get detailed answers and mentoring from Dr. Grace and her coaching team.

What if I want private 1-on-1 coaching with Dr. Grace instead of being part of a group?

Discuss this with your career advisor during your interview. 

Dr. Grace has an Executive Inner Circle program with exclusive access to her as your personal mentor and strategist.

As part of her Inner Circle, you get direct access to her with monthly private one-on-one sessions, monthly training with her esteemed private advisors, “just-in-time” advice on the phone with Dr. Grace through text and voice messages, exclusive virtual events that she hosts, and access to her Executive Inner Circle members portal.

Dr. Grace's Executive Inner Circle is not for the faint of heart. It’s for those who are truly committed to investing in themselves and submitting to a mentor.  

What will happen during my interview with Dr. Grace’s career advisor?

This interview is a career growth discovery call.  On this call, we will:

• Discuss your application to understand where you’re currently at

• Determine if Dr. Grace can help you get to where you want to be

• Assess whether or not you are a good "fit" for the mentorship program and if the mentorship program is a good "fit" for you

• As such, we will ask you questions about your application and talk about your goals and reasons for committing to a mentoring program

• If we feel Dr. Grace can help you accomplish your goals, and if you'll be a great contributor and addition to the group, you'll be invited to join.


What if I still have unanswered questions about the mentorship program before applying?

That's fine. Apply anyway. Some of your questions may be answered on the previous webpage or the membership application form. Other questions can be answered during your interview.

But if your intuition says this is for you, and your current career path has been fruitful with the potential to go much higher, go ahead and apply.

Mastery Insights Inc. © All Rights Reserved.

IMPORTANT: Results and Legal Disclaimers

For educational purposes only. Our role is to support and assist you in reaching your own goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. We cannot predict and we do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on his or her unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and many other factors. You fully agree and understand that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this website or coaching program.